Monday, September 12, 2016

Lessons learned from my son's first week of kindergarten

Mom2MomEd Blog: Lessons learned from my son's first week of kindergarten
The day came and went!

My son FINALLY started kindergarten!

It was a bumpy road, at first, and then it turned into smooth sailing! We prepared, talked about it, met his teacher, and then started school. Just like that, my first born is gone during the day, eating lunch without his mama, and navigating this world on his own (with guidance, of course!).

The summer was fun, tiring, and busy to say the least. I've been ready for a while to shoo my son out the front door and go home to drink a cup of coffee! 

What I wasn't prepared for was the fact that he'd be fine...and that I wouldn't be.

I cried.

I UGLY cried.

And then, I went home and cried some more.

My son was totally fine for days 1 through 4. On day 5, I had to pry my crying children apart, and I cried again. 

We're several days out from that incident now (it was traumatizing for me), and we've transitioned back to happy drop-offs again. Whew!

I seriously thought I'd be super efficient with just one child. I'd get a ton done this first week! I had plans! I even put off specific chores because I knew my time would be significantly freed up with one child in school.


What I hadn't thought about was the fact that my daughter's primary playmate was suddenly no longer available to her. She had no one to entertain her, direct her, help clean up, or to follow around except for...ME! 

Needless to say, I haven't gotten all of my chores done and we're having a bumpy road navigating our new schedule. Luckily my daughter starts school soon herself. 

But, seriously, this week I have learned A LOT including:
  • My daughter is significantly messier than my son--I already knew this, but not to what degree!
  • She's able to unravel an entire roll of tape in 30 seconds!
  • My taking a shower is the same as giving my daughter a pass to any forbidden part of the house.
  • She will really benefit from preschool and learning some autonomy--she's pretty much spending every day just waiting for her brother to get home. I'm sure this is normal, but I would love for her to develop her own identity separate from her brother.
  • My daughter is the best lunch/snack date ever because she isn't picky about eating anything!
  • I resort to bribing my children way more often than I ever realized--this week alone, I've delivered smoothies, Pez dispensers, small toys, and treats. I'm not particularly proud of that!
  • I'm not going to be very good at balancing all of the schedules.
Mostly, I've learned that change is good.

I'm excited for Hank and all that he is doing. I'm proud that he's taken it upon himself to help out another little boy who is struggling with being in class all day. When I picked him up yesterday, he said, "Mom, I'm giving my friend extra care because I want to make sure he has a great life."


Kindergarten has taken us all out of our comfort zone. It's really pushed my limits in particular. 

I'm used to feeling comfortable and confident in my role at my son's past school. It was like a happy family in which I was heavily involved. 

I feel sort of like a fish out of water right now. Not because I'm unhappy, but because I'm also trying to find my new niche and learning the ropes as I go along. The first few weeks at my son's school are centered around "normalization" so no parents are allowed to volunteer in the classroom yet. It's so hard for me to hold back! It's challenging for me to trust in other adults and that my son has the tools he needs to function without me.

I can feel that our family is evolving. We're moving out of the world of babies and toddlers and into big kid land. 

I have been waiting for this and wanting this, but dang, it's happening fast!

Our new normal is good. We're all doing well and I'm enjoying the new normal.

Malea's son starts college this month so I'm looking forward to hearing about their new normal too!

What are some of your family's back to school rituals? Do you have a hard time dropping off your kids or do you celebrate their way out the door? Or do you maybe feel a little of both like me? Leave your answers in a comment! We LOVE to hear from you!

Be sure you check out our Etsy shop for some fun lunchbox notes! Pack a note in your child's lunch every day as you send them off to school and when they open up their lunch they'll know you are thinking of them. Get your lunchbox notes HERE.
Mom2MomEd Blog: Lunchbox notes on Etsy

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